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Gender: Female

Weight:  60 Pounds

Age: 5 Years

Can Live With: Needs to be the only pet

Spayed/Neutered: Yes

Up to Date on Vaccines: Yes

Any Special Needs: None

Location: Midvale

Owner Info: Kathleen O. 385-536-5169


Koby is a very protective dog.  She is very strong. Once familiar with you she is like a lap dog. A big baby. She spends time with my family and their dogs with no problems. I don't think she would do well with small children only because she would knock them down with excitement. This is the case with other dogs also. She runs toward them to play but she is so out of control she scares the other dogs. She is a perfect dog with a shock collar and only needs to see it and will obey. She has a lot of energy and loves to run. She likes to walk but ibe outside. With training or shock collar she is a great companion and very protective and loyal. I live in a tiny apartment with neighbors who don't trust her so she doesn't get out enough.
Koby has never chewed or destroyed anything in my home. She has never gone to the bathroom inside even when I work 12 hours shifts and  she has never had an accident. She spends a lot of time at Dogs All Day  dog daycare. The staff love her and tell me with exception of one or two dogs she gets does great. I think she acts better when she is not with me.

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